Arrival/ Dismissal

SCHOOL HOURS: 8:00 am - 3:06 pm


Students are not to arrive at the Ash Grove Elementary School building before 7:30 am. Morning supervision by faculty and staff will not be available before this time (unless your student is enrolled in Pirate Pals). If you are dropping a child off in the morning, we ask that you use our Drop and Roll system. Please do not leave them unattended in front of the building before the designated drop-off time of 7:30 am. To drop off your child at school, pull single file into the drop off lane until you have reached the front entrance of the building. 


Students will be dismissed using our Pick Up and Go system. Parents are asked to enter the parking lot using the north drive (closest to the high school) and circle around the parking lot staying to the left of the south lane entrance to ensure buses can pass on the right. Cars should not start lining up until 3:00 pm for dismissal to ensure student safety. Cars will then line up parallel to the sidewalk in front of the school for dismissal. Students will be escorted to cars parked ONLY in the "loading zone". We ask for parents to remain in their vehicles to speed up this process and ensure student safety. Parents will exit the parking lot through the north drive. Please see map below.

2023-2024 AG Drop Off_Pick Up Procedures.pdf

***Please note that while a school bus is loading and unloading students, it is unlawful to pass, whether on a street, highway, or school parking lot. It is imperative to student safety that precaution is taken to not violate this mandate.