Ash Grove Elementary

"Our students are our legacy, their future is our focus."

Welcome Families and Students,

On behalf of the staff at Ash Grove Elementary, I am happy to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year!  Last year we were FUTURE FOCUSED to learn and grow. This year ADVENTURE AWAITS as we are Anchored in Achievement. We will continue using the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids as our guiding behaviors. We are looking forward to a great partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know we will do our best to carry out our responsibilities.  

We ask that you guide and support your child to LEARN, LOVE, LEAD and ACHIEVE by helping them with the following:

   1) Ensure they attend school daily, arriving on time, ready for the day’s learning

   2) Read with them daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills

   3) Allow them to share school experiences with you, so you are aware of his/her school life

   4) Understand that the school and you want him/her to be successful

This year as we will work as a team and encourage our students to build strong accepting relationships. We are one family and wish to celebrate this fact. We are all... school board, administration, faculty, and staff are COLLECTIVELY COMMITTED to do what is best for students including:

Learn: providing innovative and personalized instruction to meet the needs of all learners

Love: Provide a safe, caring and respectful work environment for staff and students

Lead: Develop our students into leaders, collaborators, and team players

Achieve: Improving student achievement across all content areas

Focusing on building a strong foundation for our students futures. Our parents, staff and students are all a part of OUR CREW and we feel privileged to be a part of a school family that is FUTURE FOCUSED on inspiring the leaders of tomorrow. We thank you for your support throughout the school year as we work to continue the tradition of established excellence here in Ash Grove.  ADVENTURE AWAITS! 



Dr. Kelli Hartman

Ash Grove Elementary Principal

What is a Trauma-Informed School?

Ash Grove R-IV School District is excited about implementing the state directive on being a Trauma-Informed school.

A “Trauma-informed school” is a school that:

a. realizes the widespread impact of trauma and understands potential paths for recovery 

b. recognizes the signs and symptoms of trauma in students, teachers, and staff 

c. responds by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into its policies, procedures, and practices; and seeks to actively resist re-traumatization

For more Information you may visit:

Missouri Model for Trauma-Informed Schools Link:


Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP) was established in 2007 as the state’s online school. It was previously known as Missouri Virtual Instruction Program (MOVIP). Currently, MOCAP offers courses for 9th through 12th grade and is expanding to grades K-12. Students can take courses from any Internet-connected computer, available 24-hours a day, seven days a week. MOCAP's mission is to offer Missouri students equal access to a wide range of high quality courses, and interactive online learning that is neither time nor place dependent. 

Local school districts and charter schools may use their own preferred online provider. The Ash Grove R-IV School District’s preferred provider is Launch. Launch is operated and overseen by the Springfield, MO R-XII School District and currently offers over 120 courses. Courses are designed by Missouri teachers and aligned to the state standards. A formal review process is built into all course development to ensure high quality and rigor. Students wishing to take advantage of online learning opportunities will do so through Launch. If a student wishes to pursue an online class offering through other MoCAP options outside of Launch, he/she will not be considered a member of the Ash Grove R-IV School District.

Students participating in the MOCAP (virtual school) option will need to provide their own devices and internet access.  If your student chooses MOCAP for the 2024-2025 school year, please return any school devices prior to the start of the 2024-2025 school year.  If you have any questions about technology options available in the general public, please feel free to contact the CIT Director, Austin Houp.  Email: [email protected] 

The Ash Grove R-IV School District strictly prohibits discrimination against students, employees and parents on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin or disability.